Saturday, April 2, 2016


Hello! I can't even remember how many blogs I've had throughout my social media years but here we are again, at the start of my newest adventure and boy is it going to be just that, an adventure. What I write about isn't going to follow any formula, will more than likely have grammatical errors (please be gentle), and may not be posted on any set schedule, but I will always write from a place deep down that is real. 

You see, this journey that I'm about to embark on is not one that I am physically taking but will be emotionally and mentally, as my other half leaves to begin his. This blog will become a journal for myself but if it happens to come across the screens of anyone who may be going through the same things, I hope it will be able to offer some insight, comfort, or advice in your own adventure. This blog is about my new role as a military girlfriend, and this is our journey...